५७. Simpson, G.M., Water Stress on Plants, Pub\ Pragger Publisher, New York
५८. Birdie, Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering, Pub.
५९. Jones, Water Supply and Waste Disposal
६०. HEC, Water Surface Profiles, Pub. HEC
६१. Twort, A.C., Water Supply, Pub: Edward Arnold, Pub. London
६२. Vlessman, Warren, Water Supply & Pollution Control Pub: Harper & Row, Pub. New York
६३. Giriappa, Water USE Efficiency in April Pub.
६४. FAO, Water Use Seminar Damascus Pub. (I&D Paper-१३)
६५. Faochem. Water Wave Mechabarics For Engg. & Scientists Pub. Prentice-Hall-New Jersey
६७. Irri. Association, Water, Water Everywhere-But Can we Use it Pub. Irrigation Association
६८. Campbell, Water Well Tehnology, Pub. McGraw-Hill-New York.
६९. Throut, Water course, Improvement Manual Pub.
७०. FAO, Watershed development with special Reference to Soil and Water Conservation, Pub. FAO
७१. A.S.C.E., Watershed Management १९७५, Pub. A.S.C.E.
७२. Lotti, Water Resources System Structures and Management Pub.
७३. Wundrlich, Water for the future, Pub. A. A. Balkema/ Rotterdam/Boston
७४. Sharma, V.K., Water Resource Planning & Management, Pub. Himalaya, Pub. House, Bombay
७५. Vlessman, W., Water Management Technology & Institutions Pub. Happer & Row, Pub,ishers, New York
७६. Evjevich, Drought Research Need
७७. W.M.O., World Meterological Organisation Drought and Agriculture, Pub. W.M.O.
७८. Rosenberg Ed., Drought in grait plaining research on Impacts & Stragegies
७९. WALMI, Special Course in irrigation water Management, pub. WALMI
८०. Black, Conservation of water and Related land resources