महाराष्ट्रातील दुष्काळ - 211


२९.  Kekade, R. G. Rao, K.I.N. :  Food control & cattle relief in Mysore & a review of food policy, Madras, १९४६.३६१.५५(५४५४) see ३३८.१९५४५४/Kak/Rao/२०९/ISAE

३०.  Dighy, Willia :  Famine campaign in Southern India; Madras, Bombay Presidencies & Provinces of Mysore १८७६/१८७८, Vol. I & II.  London, Longmans, Gree, १८७८.३६१.५५(५४/Dig/५९३४)

Drought and Famine in Maharashtra

१.  Bhattacharya M., Emergency Administration :  A Study of Drought Relief Operation in an Indian State, London, U.K. Journal of Administration Overseas, १४(४), १९७५, pp. २५९-२६५.  The structure and organisation of a relief operation is analysed in an actual emergency situation in Maharashtra during १९७० and १९७३.

२.  Gandhi Smarak Nidhi, Report of Survey of Selected Scarcity affected areas in Maharashtra - १९७२, Gandhi Sevak Samaj, Bombay, १९७४, १७ p. tables. Studies conditions of households in scarcity areas with reference to their assets and liabilities, employment, consumer expenditure and participation in scarcity works.

३.  How Maharashtra withstood scarcity order, (Lokrajya) (१st November, १९७४, ३०(१३), p. ३०).  Describes important scarcity works in the state to provide employment, Nala bunding, construction of wells etc.

४.  Mundle Sudip to, Relief Planning in Maharashtra (How Bureacracy meets a crisis, three studies), Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, १९७५, pp. ३५-५४, table, diagrams. Presents how emergency relief programmes could be devitalized into plan-development programmes.

५.  Subramanian V., Parched Earth :  The Maharashtra Drought १९७०-७३, Bombay, India, Orient Longman Ltd., (१९७५), XVI + ६४० pp.  The book is divided into four parts.  Part I deals with the history of previous famines and droughts that have affected Maharashtra, the present extent of irrigation as well as a factual description of the seasonal variations during each of the ३ years १९७०-७३ and the effect of seasonality on the agricultural production in the State.  In Part II, an account of the relief operations in each district is presented in detail.  The final part deals with the public impact of the crisis, in particular its affect on law order, public response and government participation.  The socioeconomic consequences of drought both short as well as long term are appended.