६. Maharashtra - Revenue and Forests Department, Relief of distress caused by natural calamities, Drought relief in Maharashtra State During १९७०-७१ to १९७३-७४, Bombay, १९७४, १७७ p. Annexure. Presents drought relief programme aimed to mitigate distress and to prevent loss of human and cattle life, by mobilising resources to the extent possible.
७. Maharashtra - Revenue and Forest Department, Scarcity and other calamities, Bombay, १९७३, xiv, ३२०, xip. Annexure, Diagram, (A compendium of Government orders upto १st February, १९७३). Gives information about scarcity and other calamities like floods, riots, earthquakes, Govt. decisions and relief measures.
८. Maharashtra - Revenue and Forest Department, Memorandum on Scarcity situation in Maharashtra १९७९-८०, Bombay, १९७९, ५७ p. annexure, statement, maps, tables. Highlights th scarcity situation in Maharashtra - Affected crop area, scarcity of drinking water, rainfall, growth of crops, projections of expenditure, on measures of permanent nature, statement showing rainfall, crops production, Map showing districtwise area affected and loss in crop production.
९.१ Maharashtra Economic Development Council, Draoughts in Maharashtra - Maharashtra Economic Development Council, Bombay, १९७४, ७३ p. tables, charts. Part I describes drought in the state and gives main recommendations, Part two contains appendices.
१०. Mathur, Kuldeep, How dureaucracy meets a crisis by Kuldeep Mathur, Mohit Bhattacharya and Supipto Mundle, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, १९७५, ५४ p. tables, diagrams. These three studies cover different aspects of droughts in Maharashtra. Page No. ११ gives the scarcity situation in Maharashtra.
११. Suresh Singh K., The Indian Famine १९६७, A Study in Crisis and change, People's Publishing House, New Delhi, १९७५, xiii + ३१२ p. maps, tables. In this study of the १९६७ Indian famine references to Bombay and Maharashtra are made under the topics such as macro-dimentions of the famine, modernisation of famine relief and social dimentions of famine.
१२. Vartak, H. G., Broad-based scarcity relief programme,. Lok Rajya, २७(११), १st October, १९७१, Bombay, १९७१, pp. ११-१९, photos.
Author gives outline of the various scarcity relief measures taken by Government to overcome the calamity. (Page No. ३)
१३. Droughts in Maharashtra, Maharashtra Economic Development Council १०६ Nagindas Master Road, Fort Bombay, ४००००१ १९७४)
१४. Borkar V. V. Nadkarni, M. V. Impact of Drought on Rural life, Popular Prakashan Bombay, १९७५.५)
१५. Shrivastava U. K. Planning and implementation of Drought Prone areas, Programme.
Abhinav Publ. E-३७, Hauzkhas, New Delhi-१६. १९७८.६)
१६. Lvovich, M. I. The World's Water Mir Publishers, USSR, १२९८२० Mascow-१-११-GSP१९७३.७)
१७. Das, P. K. The Monsoons National Book Trust, New Delhi-१३. ९६८.८)
१८. Trainer, F. W. Introduction to Ground Hydrology, John Wiley and Sons. १९६८.