Speeches in Parliament Vol. (I)-61

I have tried to place before the House an account of preparations that we are making to meet any threat of aggression on our borders. We are pushing ahead with expansion of armed Forces, expansion of their training facilities, modernisation of their equipment and re-fitting them to step up their operational efficiency. To support the expanded Armed Forces we have undertaken a programme of modernisation and expansion of Defence Industries and creation of new production potential. This is a heavy task notwithstanding the assistance that we have received from friendly countries and the House would appreciate the limitations within which we have to pursue our programme. I would like to assure the House that measures to strengthen our defences will be pursued with vigour and steadfastness. We are fully conscious of the sacrifices being made by the people of this country to make these measures a success.

Finally I would like to add that an important aspect of our Defence preparedness is the building up of morale. During the last few months I have visited our troops— both the Army and the Air Force— in various sectors of forward areas. Our Jawans are stationed in most difficult terrain and are living in most inhospitable climate. Our airmen are performing hazardous tasks. It was a matter of pride for me that wherever I went I found them energetic, confident and working with unshakable resolve and determination. All that .we are doing here, is to strengthen the hands of that resolute JAWAN who is standing a lonely vigil on our snow-covered borders and who would face the brunt of attack if there is any aggression. It will he a source of great encouragement and strength for him to know that his countrymen are doing everything possible to strengthen his hands and ‘ will ‘ to fight.