There is the difficulty about the condition regarding qualifications. When we are throwing certain persons out of service, it is quite legitimate for us to see whether the person who wants re-employment is educationally qualified or not. That is why we have to retrench educationally non-qualified persons first. We cannot help that. It is also very difficult for us to insist on giving preference to educationally non-qualified persons in the matter of recruitment. Therefore, Lam unable to do anything in the matter.
The hon. Member Shri Jadhav made a reference to the question of the supply of seeds. So far we used to supply seeds from the Civil Supply Scheme because we used to procure millets and other varieties of grains, but this year we have given up that procurement and so we have not got any seed to give to the cultivators. The relevant department, namely, the Agriculture and Forests Department, has beep asked to do this work and it is trying its best to meet the needs of the cultivators from other States. It is also trying to get some quantity from the Government of India for the purpose.
These were some of the points raised by the hon. Members in the course of their speeches about civil supplies. I cannot conclude my speech without making a reference to the general trend of the speech of the hon. Member Shri Kamble. I cannot give all the information that he has asked for. I was pained to hear him making a reference to the inability of certain hon. Members. He only betrayed a sense of arrogance by referring to his own brothers in that manner. However, I feel a sense of relief that he is not the man at the head of the administration. One could imagine what would have been their fate if he were at the head of the administration. We have every feeling that we are trying to do our utmost for the Backward Classes. It may be that there are certain limitations but our efforts will always be to do as much as we can. The only fear that I have got is that prejudices die very hard. My only wish is that these prejudices die soon.