अभिनंदन ग्रंथ - (इंग्रजी लेख)-२6

Panditji has to compensate for this shortfall and he is doing it. It is however too hard on him and he requires worthy aides not only for his personal sake, but for the benefit and progress of our country. With its high potential of physi­cal resources and basically good and responsive people, this country can certainly achieve even greater progress if there is inspiring and capable leadership at all levels.

Shri Yeshwantraoji represents the rise of such new leadership. We are therefore glad and grate­ful to have him amongst us. His performance dur­ing this short period itself gives us confidence that our expectations in him will be fulfilled. He possesses in ample measure qualities necessary for his role. He is young and likeable. He is parti­cularly successful at ‘Lokasangraha'. He is en­lightened and progressive. He has handled deli­cate and difficult situations in his province with natural ease and tact and as a result he has been able to convert these same crucial occasions into important stages in the positive build-up of an integrated and forward-looking community. Who will not congratulate him ?

“ Formation of the new State of Maharashtra is indeed a challenge lo all classes and sections of people. But the intellectuals have a special burden of responsibility in this regard. It is essential that they should come forth to discuss the important issues facing us, to formulate specific viewpoints on them and give a lead to public opinion.”

Political Consequences of shri Yeshwantrao Chavan
a few reflections


IT IS difficult and perhaps not quite opportune to try to assess the political personality of Shri Yeshwantrao Chavan at the present juncture. It is only three or four years since he made an essay into high political life. His politi­cal future is doubtless larger and of much greater importance than his political past. It is therefore his promise rather than his performance, even though the performance itself has been quite spec­tacular and distinguishing, which is the more adequate measure of the man's political personality.