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Speeches in Parliament Vol. (I)-95

If people think that they should be able to go and purchase land there. If this is the only idea of unity of India, that some rich people may be able to go there and exploit, the unity of expolitation, if this is the idea of Indian nationalism, I really do not understand why that should be done.

Shri S. Kundu (Balasore) : Bridge is a wrong analogy. He admits a guilt.

Shri Y. B. Chavan :  I have not used it as an analogy.

I did not say it was bridge between Kashmir and India. I said, it was II bridge for applying more and more articles of the Constitution to Jammu and Kashmir. A constitutional bridge.

There are certainly some problems. Take the process of integration. We say that we have to yet achieve national integration. We have got a National Integration Council in regard to the rest of India also. What does it mean ? It means that the process of integration is not yet complete. We have certainly political unity. We have the same Constitution. We have got fundamental rights. Still we say that we have yet to achieve complete national integration, because national integration is something different from Political unity. It is something different from economic development.

... When we say that there is no national integration, it does not mean that we are not a nation. These are two different thin. To have national integration means, really speaking, to have some sort of ...

... national consciousness, a feeling of oneness, an emotional stake in the national life. This is, really speaking, what we have to achieve. This process will have to work for a long time with patience, with understanding, with a sense of friendship, with an idea of giving others a sense of participation. That is the only way we can go about it.

I do not want to say anything more about this matter.

There is the other side of the picture, what has been ha Kashmir in the last 20 years. Some members did make mention about in Sheikh Abdullah. We have all respect for Sheikh Abdullah as he was the first man who fought for the secularism in the land of Kashmir. He fought for the freedom of the people fo Kashmir. He led the struggle against the invadors of Pakistan.