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Speeches in Parliament Vol. (I)-38

Sir, I would just like to give a sort of analysis of the defence budget. I am sorry, we could not give these in the Report itself. We ought to have given them in the Report. I accept some of the criticisms made by the hon. Member, Shri. Nath Pai. It sometimes happens that we become conscious of some of the difficulties when some fresh mind is applied to the problem. Being 24 hours in it we sometimes do not see some simple mistakes. We will try to give this analysis next year.

There are two aspects of the defence budget. If you look at the total figure for 1966-67, it is Rs. 918 crores. If you go by the services, the army’s requirements would be about Rs. 600 crores. Navy’s about Rs. 30 crores and Air Force’s about Rs. 144 crores; non-effective, that is, pensions etc. about 23 crores, marking in all Rs. 797 crores. The capital outlay on defence comes to about Rs. 121 crores. This is the Service-wise distribution of expenditure. But if you go and combine all the three services together, according to the different types of requirements I have got this analysis made and it comes to this the expenditure on pay and allowances for all the three services comes to about Rs. 235 crores; rations, which is in addition to the pensions etc., cash allowances that are made, come to about Rs. 64 crores. Clothing and fuel, not the fuel for transport purposes, comes to about Rs. 9 crores. These are the items of the general recurring expenditure.

The other amenities domestic accommodation, medical services, pension and miscellaneous amenities come to about Rs. 75 crores, of which I must say it is rather difficult to classify the medical services because the medical service is not really an amenity as such; it is also necessary to keep the armed forces fighting fit. So, this is not purely an amenity but it is also a service .requirement as such.

The expenditure on movement, which is necessary for deployment as also for training purposes, comes to about Rs. 57 crores. In this, supplies which is a more important thing, capital investment, plant and machinery for factories etc. comes to about Rs. 294 crores. Supplies, that is, equipment, necessary machinery for production etc., comes to about Rs. 294 crores.

So, if you see generally pay and allowances, rations, clothing come roughly to one-third and supplies, that is, capital investment for equipment, come to one-third.

Research and development and inspection comes to Rs. 19 crores. I know, it is a small amount, it works out to a very small percentage of the total expenditure, but there again there is no unwillingness on part of Government to offer money. In the case of scientific the development and research work it is not merely the money that helps. We must develop gradually the capacity to absorb the expenditure also. Sanctioning money and merely building new buildings for research Work is not research expenditure. You must have the necessary technical personnel and we must also provide them the necessary technical development to make use of those funds.