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Speeches in Parliament Vol. (IV)-135

Shri Yashwantrao Chavan : Well you have answered it. But I am asking him. Whom do they represent today? If we go to the intellectuals or the elite (Interruptions). If we see the views of the intellectuals and the elite, they are dissatisfied with this government, if we go to the peasantry or industrial workers, they are angry and resenting the many things that this Government is doing. If we go to the small common man in the urban areas, it is the same feeling against them. If we go to the minorities. I must say, there is feeling of fear, the most tragic thing that has happened in this country. One of the most important things that Mahatma Gandhi and Pandit Nehru evolved in developing this country was the national ethos of secularism.

What one finds today is the tragic destruction of this ethos in this country That is the most unfortunate thing. Somebody would get up and say that some statement from the Government can be made about it, but it is not the statement of Government on this matter, that decides this ethos of secularism. It is ultimately the feeling of the minorities themselves, the faith of the minorities in the Government, in the country’s policies, that, really speaking, will make or unmake the ethos of secularism.

This is the picture that I find today in the Country. There is general atmosphere of no confidence, there is an atmosphere of crisis in this country. Therefore, I say it is not just as parliamentary tactics, but I thought it my duty that I should move this motion, so that the people will know that their feelings are properly represented. I find the Janata  Party has started already responding to my call under the leadership of Mr. Raj Narain.

I think, it is the classic duty of the opposition to represent the people, during the period in between elections. We sit here as a result of elections, but in a democracy, society goes on changing, moods go on changing. What is the mass mood today? Today the mass mood is against the Janata Party. Let us not forget this. It is the reality.

I am reminded of a very interesting conversation that took place between the great leader Shri Jayaprakash Narayan and Vajpayeeji the other day in Bombay which I read in the newspapers.

J. P asked Shri Vajpayee : आज देश का हाल क्या है ?

The Minister of External Affairs (Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee) : That was not correctly reported. J. P did not ask me that question. The question was asked by the newspaper man, and not by Shri Jayaprakash Narayan.

Shri Yashwantrao Chavan : It was meant to be a witty remark, but the beauty of wit or humor is that is often brings to light the intrinsic truth, and that remark of yours :
देश का हाल मत पूछिये,
विदेश का पूछिये|  is such remark.

Shri A. Bala Pajanor (Pondichery) : Please put it in English.