Shri Hari Vishnu Kamat : You are for Hindi-Russi Bhai-Bhai now.
I was talking about the criteria. The first criterion was of the relationship in the neighbourhood and the relations with the countries in the region. I think, I have dealt with this subject, as far as, it was necessary.
They second criterion is what is the work that we do in the international field. India can do its work in two ways. First, as a sponsoring member of the non-alignment movement. The contribution that it makes in the non-alignment movement is a very important area where we have to find out how they are functioning. How they are going further. I must say, in this respect at least, I have no grievance to make about what Government has done in the last two years. They certainly have participated in all the important meetings of the nonaligned movement, the coordination bureau meeting, the Foreign Ministers meetings : the are yet to wait for the Summit meeting. But they have taken the right positions at the right time in the non - aligned movement. It is good. It is the Nehru legacy that we are carrying on. But while they do it, they are doing it with reservations in their mind. I have to go into that. They are constantly telling the world and themselves that they are genuinely non-aligned....
The Minister of External Affairs (Shri. Atal Bihari Vajpayee) : What is wrong abut being genuine?
Shri Yashwantrao Chavan : The wrong about it is, telling the world that you are genuine. You must be genuine. Once the lady starts protesting too much....
An Hon. Member : There is no lady here.
Shrimati Mrinal Gore : The lady is on the other side.
Shri Yashwantrao Chavan : I must say that I have made this criticism outside the House and it would be honest for me to make that criticism here also that is they put the word “genuine” behind “non-alignment” and they go on repeating constantly, continuously, as some sort of a mechanism or a cover for their tilt towards the West.