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Speeches in Parliament Vol. (IV)-99

What a hypocratic moral lecture the Government has been giving that they were against smoking etc. We have heard these sermons long before. The other day when the Finance Minister was speaking, last time when the Finance bill was passed, his colleague Shri Biju Patnaik got up and said that he had been smoking for more than fifty years and he is still healthy. I am not quoting Biju Patnaik only. I also smoked for forty years and nothing wrong has happened to me up till now. I have stopped smoking now. This is because of my choice and not because of taxes. Please do not take that moral pose.

I also find another fashion of this Government.

When anything wrong is pointed out, the reply comes - everything wrong had been done by you and now we are trying to improve this way. How long this will sustain you, friends? This may be for one month, two months, until State Legislature elections, Corporation Elections, Metropolitan Elections, for now that you have them. How long more? India’s problems are very serious problems. I would request you on this occasion again....

.. I am not abusing you. I am not criticising you. I am giving you very serious advice. Indian economic problems, Indian social problems, Indian political problems are very complex problems and merely giving out a schedule that will do it in four years and another thing in five years is not enough. I am sometimes surprised, I must honestly confess that - it is rather a very innocent sort of position, but somebody coming and telling us that India’s unemployment problem can be solved within ten years. I must say that it is very unfortunate thing for the people of India that such empty provisions are made.

Hon. Finance Minister asked me what bidi has to do with the common man. Shri Ravindra Varma can tell him that while working out the cost of living index of the working class, this smoking is one of the important things taken into consideration. It is one of the item in the basket. It is considered to be essential from that point of view.

Another important consideration is nature and character of bidi industry. Those who know about the nature and character of bidi industry will see that large number of people in the rural areas, particularly, the house wives are employed in that industry. This sort of distinction of branded and non-branded bidis, - cogently argued, only shows that this is going to be exploited by the bidi industrywallahs and they have already started exploiting the small man. Lakhs of people are working in this industry. You tell us on one hand, that you want to create employment opportunities. But you act otherwise. Please rectify it?

..So, Sir, when we say bidi, it is not smoking as such that we refer to. It is against the case of the small man who works hard. He does require certain relaxation. It is the case of the small man and his housewife who works hard in a remote village-house that matters most. Therefore we are raising these issues. Closely-held companies, capital gains tax, unemployment in sick mills, small man involved in the employment in the bidi industry. These are all the basic issues, you are supposed to take a view about. Here is the other House which in its wisdom and coolness applied its mind quietly and made certain recommendations back to this honourable house. We should have taken them more seriously instead of merely and lightly moving a motion that you reject them. This is a rejection like that of an emperor. You are very conscious of the power of strength in this house: Well, Sir, we have taken note of what you think and what you are. Whether this is accepted or not accepted, the people will ultimately judge on the basis of merits. I am sure you will regret what you are doing today.