India Foreign Policy - ११५

Frontiers of Liberty Extended

We are happy to welcome amidst us as new members, friends of long-standing, representing people who have, through their own hard struggle, liberated themselves from the yoke of colo­nialism or foreign domination and intervention. The frontiers of human liberty have been further extended. The forces of national liberation have scored yet another glorious victory. We are confident that the new members will impart further strength and vitality to the Non-aligned Movement.

The detente between East and West, of which our Heads of State and Government had taken note with satisfaction at Algiers in 1973, has further developed, despite many strains. The Conference on European Security and Co-operation, just concluded in Helsinki, after many months of careful preparation, marks hopefully the end of an era of hostile confrontation. With faith and determination on all sides, it could usher in a new era of constructive co-operation.

To the extent that these trends of detente and understanding reduce the danger of a world war and contribute to the relaxa­tion of tensions and facilitate normalisation of relations between States, they should be welcomed and further consolidated. The process of detente, to be meaningful and enduring, must, how­ever, extend to all regions and areas of the world.

There still remain areas of foreign aggression where funda­mental freedoms are denied to millions of human beings. Let us once again renew our pledge of all possible assistance so that occupied areas can be liberated and people under colonial or foreign occupation or domination by minority racist governments can attain their emancipation into full independence and sove­reignty.

As I mentioned earlier, the non-aligned movement has obtained a most significant accession of strength from the policies followed by the countries of this continent. India would like to reiterate its solidarity with the Latin American people who are waging a determined struggle to remove all vestiges of foreign economic domination.