India Foreign Policy - १११

Consolidation of Peace

The non-aligned countries constitute a movement and not a bloc. We should avoid locking ourselves into a strait-jacket of institutionalisation. It would bring in avoidable rigidities into the movement and may weaken its vigour, progressive orientation and dynamism. We need co-ordination of our efforts and our activities. This could be done without setting up any new institutions.

The problem of preserving and consolidating world peace is still a live one. Even with the silver linings of detente, crisis situations still persist in different parts of the world. We welcome detente. The Helsinki Conference on European Security and Co­-operation has marked the beginning of an era of relaxation of tensions in that continent which had been the theatre of two world wars. However, detente still remains fragile and needs to be established and made irreversible. Detente is still limited, confined and circumscribed. Detente in Europe can have real meaning for the rest of the world only if it is extended to other continents and its benefits accrue to all the countries — big and small, developed and developing.

Build New Bridges

Asia has not been able to rid itself of uncertainty and trouble, tension and conflicts. On the positive side, we rejoice in the historic victory of the peoples of Indo-China in their struggle for re-assertion of their independence and sovereignty. A re-unified Vietnam, subscribing to the policy of non-alignment, should be an important factor for peace, progress and understanding. The people of Indo-China are facing a gigantic task of national re­construction. India stands ready to play its part in any collective efforts in this direction by the non-aligned countries.

In our own part of the world, we continue to strive, with some results, to overcome barriers to understanding, eliminate hostilities and build new bridges for co-operation with neighbours — near and far. It is through our own efforts, as non-aligned countries that we can promote a climate of harmony and under­standing which would usher in durable peace and growing co­-operation among all.