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India Foreign Policy -२३

Many political commentators discuss the "ifs" of history as well the as "ifs" of philosophical premises. I think the new winds of change sweeping over China today resemble those to which we had been exposed under the Nehru era -- the change towards modernisation in order to derive the fullest benefit by our people. Nehru had embarked on the modernisation programme to enable us to make up for the time we had lost during the British regime when technological developments in the west bypassed us or did not reach us in full measure. Nehru's modernisation ideology had far-reaching consequences to us and is exemplified in visible proofs such as heavy indus­tries, irrigation dams, electric power houses, scientific institutes and other types of industries which have sprung up all over the country and have added shine to India's image.

It seems to me that in a way, China is today following the Nehru line in their campaign for modernisation, though naturally in their own way. Some political commentators might say that in India however the reverse process is taking place today, as emphasis is being placed on village industries. Rural develop­ment will have always priority in the planning process in India, but rural development cannot be isolated from industrialisation and modernisation of other sections of our life. It is not as though that rural development was not given its proper place before. But having consolidated our gains in the industrial fields, it is just as well that we ensure that the benefits from advances in science and technology flow to the rural sector also in an ever-increasing measure.

We have been talking about barefoot teachers and doctors —an expression which does not appear to be a very happy one. But it does underline the fact that even at some sacrifice to individuals; we should ensure a greater degree of fulfillments of the needs and priorities of the common people who constitute about 80 per cent of our population in the rural areas. One might say as a general statement that China is following as far as modernisation is concerned the Nehru line of planning. I feel it was right for us to have taken steps towards modernisation of our country which is essential for regeneration of rural areas.