Oral history transcript 37

Sharma :  Honesty of purpose.

Chavan : The ideological loyalty to the Party. etc. The names that you mentioned like G. Adhikari, Ghate, S. V. Deshpande, even Ramdive ( he also belongs to the first generation of the leadership and is still one of the leaders of the C.P.M. ) are very dedicated persons and have lived a life of poverty and ideology also at the same time.

Sharma :  How was the Individual Satyagraha conducted in Satara district?

Chavan : I was then President of the District Congress Committee. D. K. Gosavi, who was from my district, was president of the Pradesh Congress Committee. He used to take  names of those who offered themselves for the Individual Satyagraha for Gandhiji's approval.  Some of the People from my district were approved to offer satyagraha. I was not allowed to offer satyagraha. But we kept on propagating it at private meetings and discussions.

Sharma : So, in 1940, you did not go to jail ?

Chavan : In 1940, I did not go to jail.  In 1939-40, I was only a student, but even then I was President of the District Congress Committee. I had lost one year because I could not study. Though I did not go to jail, I used to look after those people who went to jail and kept in touch with them and organised the District Congress Committee.