Oral history transcript 36

Sharma :  I won't say they were not patriotic, but they did not judge the Indian situation on their own?

Chavan :  well, it has happened in the history of the Indian Communist movement many times, their analysis of the Indian situation did not justify them and had gone wrong many times.  During the war time particularly, their whole analysis went wrong. Even today they do not have a very powerful movement in India, but ultimately one must go by the historical results. Even after nearly fifty years of (existance) the party did not make any impact. only the breakaway group has made some impact in Kerala and Bengal. I am not only talking in terms of elections. The Communist Party even with its cadre and (organisation) did not make that impact that the communist Party should make in the Indian conditions. But they were quite  a group which tried to influence with formulation of Indian policies one certain major issues also.  Their thinking and ideas certiainly played a role in influencing ( the people ) So I would not just dismiss it as a miscellaneous force because they ara a part or the international movements. They did represent certain thrusts of international thinking.

Sharma :  And they organised labour, Kisans?

Chavan :  Basically, they were for the exploited people, the working class, landless labour and all those. The values they nurtured became important values even for non-Communists, for democratic movements.

Sharma :  And I think some of their leaders like Dr. G. Anhikari and S. V. Ghate lived like common people.

Chavan :  I agree with you. Their life was life of sacrifice. They were a very disciplined cadre and had suffered much. At least, the first generation of their leadership, I should say, was a very valuable leadership, their personal life, their dedication, their sacrifice, their intellectual capacity.