India Foreign Policy -३५

Should this cultural profile not be represented in the more advanced countries also?

That goes without saying.

According to your experience in what way is the management of administration different in Defence, Home or Finance Ministries from that of the External Affairs?

All of these are very crucial Ministries. In Home and Finance, the work is largely with domestic matters while in Defence and External Affairs it is with the world at large and particularly with the neighbours. A correct appreciation of the situation, anticipation and alert response are vital to the successful manage­ment of these Ministries. The problems are quite different in the functioning of External Affairs from those of other Ministries. It is a widely spread out area where the administration has to be looked after. Facilities for quick and safe communications become very important. We have much more to do in this respect.

Secondly, in External Affairs one has to depend on many things which are not under one's control. One will have to go by correct assessment and evaluation. The policy planning part of the External Affairs Ministry requires much more input, intellectual input. I think much more needs to be done in this field. There is a tendency to consider this as a sort of waste. It is not so.

Do you have any suggestions for improving the functioning• of the Indian missions abroad?

A large number of suggestions can be given. A successful mission needs leadership from the ambassador and competent team work. With the many facets of diplomacy today a mission requires a variety of expertise. The political, economic and cultural strands have to be woven together before a wider understanding can emerge with foreign countries. As I have told you, if the people in charge of the missions are prepared better, the leadership has to be encouraged. There will have to be more live contact with the economic and cultural aspects of that country. The mission must be asked to shoulder its responsibility more fully. Naturally, they will need some means to do that. They should not be denied these means. We should be willing to spend a little more on these aspects.