India Foreign Policy - १५४

Emerging Consensus

The international community has been facing a grave economic situation in the last two years. Economies of the poor develop­ing countries have suffered a serious setback, and there are as yet no signs of respite or relief. The sharp rise in prices of their essential imports like food, fertilizer, machinery, equipment and fuel has created a situation in which they are hardly able to meet even the existing needs of their economies. The ----of trade have always been adverse to them, and have ---drastic deterioration. The development programmes of the most seriously affected countries have been thrown into disarray by these trends. It is comforting to note that there is an emerging consensus on priority for the solution of their problems.

It is, indeed a matter of gratification to all of us to have amidst us the Secretary-General of the United Nations. His presence symbolises the importance that the international community at­taches to our deliberations. We should fully draw upon the U.N. system to assist in our work activity through its resources of wide experience, research and expertise.

May I now turn to the work of the four commissions which are being set up? The Commission on Raw Materials and Deve­lopment will have the benefit of drawing upon the current delibera­tions in the various existing international forums. However, the Commission on Energy and, to some extent, the Commission on Financial Affairs will be breaking new ground. The linkage bet­ween growth and availability of energy is well recognised. It is important that the existing and potential energy resources of the developing world should be so planned and used as to facilitate the achievement of its rapid growth and durable progress.