India Foreign Policy - १४८

From principles to reality

The U.N. is the appropriate forum for the solution of the problems facing non-aligned and developing countries. Its imperfections and failings are an indication of our own in­adequacies. Non-aligned and developing countries have to work collectively and unitedly so that the U.N. becomes a more effective instrument for the establishment of world peace and a new international economic and social order based on equality and justice. It is a unique instrument which can, with foresight and vision, be adapted to meet the unprecedented challenge of the future.

The U.N. is no longer an exclusive club but is the voice of humanity. The non-aligned and developing countries can be considered to be a distinct entity in that they have common aspirations and objectives. Consequently, we often find that for purposes of analysis these countries are often grouped together as the so-called "third world". We believe in "one world".

The emergence on the world stage of the developing countries, representing an overwhelming majority of humanity, is the most significant event of our time. We are all children of the revolu­tion which has brought about political liberation of the peoples of Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbeans. We are participants in the efforts of the newly-liberated peoples to over­come economic, technological and intellectual consequences of colonisation. We want to bridge the over-widening gulf that divides developed and developing nations. The developing world can no longer be a mute spectator, while decisions vitally affecting its destiny are being taken. All that they seek is that, like peace, prosperity should also be indivisible.