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India Foreign Policy -७५

And the third epoch was —I will read this out — and I would like to invite your attention particularly to the third epoch. Martin Luther king said: "The third epoch of Nehru's work is unfolding after his death. Even though his physical presence is gone, his spiritual influence retains a living force. The great powers are not yet in harmonious relationship to each other, but with the help of the non-aligned world they have learned to exercise a wise restraint. In this is the basis for a lasting detente. Beyond this, Nehru's example in daring to believe and act for peaceful co-existence gives mankind its most glowing hope."

This is the basis of India's foreign policy and its international framework — this concept of non-alignment of anti-colonialism of anti-imperialism of working for peace and at the same time working for peaceful co-existence.

At present, the big powers are thinking in terms of detente because of many reasons. One of these is that the developing, non-aligned countries have created a certain force, a certain condition in the world. This is one aspect. Secondly, there is a certain technological imperative. Naturally, the success in technological development has reached a stage when nobody can Say that they alone are the tallest. There may be descriptions of the world today as "bipolar" or "tripolar" or "five-polar". I do not know how many "poles" there are. Basically, there seem to be two. But both the "poles" have come to realise that if there is a war, a nuclear war, nobody is going to be a winner. There­fore, there is no other alternative but detente. The fact is that the technological revolution has created certain political compul­sions in the international sphere. And one of them is that the powers with all-powerful weapons have come to realise that they just cannot make use of them.

Therefore, while we always consider detente as a very healthy development and welcome it, we say that detente should not really be confined to one particular continent or one particular situa­tion. It should not become merely a technique of crisis mana­gement but should be a genuine movement which can be made applicable to all the continents and all the situations and all the tensions in the world. Therefore, when we think of non-align­ment, I would like to say that we should think of non-alignment in a much more positive manner.