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India Foreign Policy -४९

Self-reliance in Foreign Policy

Non-alignment is self-reliance in foreign policy, and self-reliance in science and technology which are essential for modernisation. We would like to know what position the Government takes on these important matters. We were told by the Prime Minister that he had made an unilateral declaration that there would be no peaceful nuclear explosion. Vajpayee has made statements contrary to this. The Government should make its position clear. We would like to know what exactly the government wants to do about this important matter. If the Government has taken the position not to resort to nuclear explosions, it has taken a position of not wanting to make any progress in nuclear techno­logy. We like to tell you and the world at large that the people of India have not taken this position. We have the right to make every effort in the field of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

The next point is about the role India has played in the United Nations, which is one of the important forums where we can make a significant contribution. There is a section in the Foreign Ministry — I am not talking about the foreign minister — which believes in isolation as far as the U. N. Security Council is concerned. I feel we should take the opportunity to get into the Security Council. This is a position which will help India to influence important world decisions. India has earned the res­pect of the world because she has taken correct decisions on many occasions. India is not a military power, nor is she a big economic power in the sense in which the term is understood, though her economic power cannot be ignored. I would like to make the point that the Government should see that India's voice is heard with respect in the United Nations.