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India Foreign Policy -४०

Some western powers are very much worried about the disposal of nuclear wastes which fallout from development of nuclear technology. Would you think that if Gandhiji's ideology is brought in before the world now, it would be...?

If Gandhiji's ideology is brought in, the first thing that would have to be done by the developed countries is to completely destroy the nuclear weapons. But if we are merely told about Gandhian ideology and asked to stop our own explosions, that would be discriminatory.

This brings us to the question of the "shopping spree" for lethal weapons and arms by some developing countries. In what way we should go about to see that gradually progress is achieved in disarmament and limitation of nuclear weapons in the SALT negotiations?

As far as our policy is concerned, we have complete faith in disarmament, and we want nuclear weapons to be completely discontinued or destroyed. That is our basic faith. I think the NPT is one type of treaty to which we cannot subscribe because it is discriminatory. It allows the nuclear powers to go in for their nuclear weapons strength, and puts prohibition on those who do not have anything to make further progress about. SALT is a good development. It is one of the good things that I see in international relations.

As far as disarmament is concerned, there are limited talks going on. But I do not know with what results. A U.N. special session on disarmament was held last year. This is one of the basic problems which requires attention on a priority basis.

Could you give some idea on technology flows and transfer of expertise from developed countries to the developing world?

As far as we are concerned, we have tried to bring in the new technologies, wherever there was gap in our own technology. But there was certainly unwillingness on the part of some of the developed countries to give us technologies. This is a handicap. We have pleaded that amongst developing countries themselves there should be a good movement of technology, appropriate technology, suitable for their economic situation.