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India Foreign Policy - १५५

Six-Point Plan

I am sure all of us are here to ensure the success of the com­plex technical work before the Commissions. To this end, I would like to suggest the following for your consideration:

First, subjects in each commission should be sufficiently specific but not unduly inflexible to enable all the participants to raise problems which they consider urgent and important. It will be necessary for all of us to reflect on the various viewpoints express­ed here and give clear guidelines to the Commissions so that they carry on their task towards meaningful conclusion.

Secondly, the work in the Commissions should proceed simul­taneously and in a mutually reinforcing manner so that just and equitable results are achieved expeditiously.

Thirdly, we should draw upon all the knowledge and experience which is available to the international community within and out­side the U.N. system, in such a way that the conclusions we reach are sound.

Fourthly, the progress achieved in the negotiations should be fed concurrently into the relevant forums where the international community is engaged in on-going discussions and negotiations.

Fifthly, while accomplishing their tasks the Commissions should ensure that on-going work in other forums is not impeded but in fact accelerated.

And, finally, we should assume full obligation to adhere to the conclusions reached in these negotiations and to give practical effect to them.

It is only in this way that we can expect to achieve the aim of translating our work here on the whole spectrum of economic issues into a global compact.

The eyes of the international community are focused on our deliberations. We bear a heavy responsibility towards the present and future generations. We shall be less then worthy of our tasks if we did not carry out this responsibility with decisive determina­tion.