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India Foreign Policy - १२६

Which of the problems of decolonisation do you think will enjoy priority at the Lima meeting?

The dismantling of the Portuguese colonial empire in Africa is, indeed, a happy culmination of the valiant struggle of the peoples of these territories for self-determination. We must also pay a tribute to the statesmanship of the new leaders of Portugal. It is a tragic irony, however, that there are still vestiges of colo­nialism in various parts of the world. The process of decolonisa­tion will not be complete until these have also been eliminated. The situation in Zimbabwe and Namibia also continues to cause great concern, and the people of these areas need our full
sup­port and co-operation in their continuing struggle for national liberation and independence.

The Lima meeting will be held on the eve of the special and regular sessions of the U.N. General Assembly. Which will be the main areas of thrust by the non-aligned countries in the world organisation?

Over the years, the contribution which non-aligned countries have been making in the United Nations has been increasing. On various issues affecting peace, and security, the non-aligned countries have been able to give a constructive lead — for exam­ple, during the war in west Asia in 1973, and the crisis in Cyprus last year. So also on problems of development. Indeed, the sixth special session last year and the seventh special session to be held this year are themselves the result of non-aligned initiatives. The Lima Conference will undoubtedly assess the overall situa­tion and identify the specific areas in which non-aligned countries could concentrate their actions in the General Assembly.