The pattern of the transfer of power did not allow a break with the past. It therefore helped the Gandhian concept of revolution in terms of continuity and not in terms of break with the past. Most revolutions are conceived in terms of break and violence. But the peaceful transfer of power in India has been a great stabilising factor and it has influenced in a significant way the Indian developments since the achievement of freedom. Leftism in India as it was more Western orientated has failed to fully grasp the consequences emanating from this continuity.
It should be realised that parliamentary democracy with all its shortcomings suits Indian conditions than the authoritarian way, because caste system on many an occasion baffles class analysis and class unity. Of course, the parliamentary democratic system has its own weaknesses, particularly when the State undertakes to develop a rational economy at a rapid stride. But it provides opportunities to the various sections of the people for self-expression.
The international situation in the post-war era proved more baffling to the Left movement, in a peculiar balance of forces in the world, in which the capitalist system is faced with a challenge of the emerging socialist system with all its revolutionary vitality. India in transition, as she has kept herself non-aligned, receives help and support for her programmes of socio-economic development. This peculiar balance of the world forces is reflected in their attitude to India, advancing support, which not only insures India against the dangers of internal economic crisis, but also brings forth political and moral support to Indian democracy. The theory of co-existence strengthens the forces of stability as against the forces of change. These factors no doubt in themselves adversely affect the fortunes of the Indian Left.
In this background, the Congress emerges as a centrist party—Liberal-Socialist Party. In the Indian situation, therefore, the emergence of the party of the right conservative sections had become inevitable. Thus the Swatantra Party is coming to the forefront. One may disagree with its policies or deplore the poverty of its political outlook or economic approach ; but it has its own raison d'être.