अभिनंदन ग्रंथ - (इंग्रजी लेख)-36

A Versatile Personality


SHRI YESHWANTRAO CHAVAN is in many respects a unique personality whose meteoric rise, popularity and fame are fully merited by the sterling qualities of head and heart that he possesses. The opportunity presented in recent years as Chief Minister has brought into relief his innate tact, statesmanship and administrative ability combined with goodness and sincerity.

In spite of their professions of concern for the public health the authorities did little to develop medical education and research till Chief Minister Chavan came on the scene. The J.J. Group of Hospitals have now a fine array of buildings and what is more important are well equipped with appliances necessary in all progressive scientific medical institutes. They have many new facilities including a blood bank and eye bank and Shri Chavan's Government has given a real impetus to academic work and research undertakings. This is as it should be, pledged as we all are to rapid scientific development. All over the State vigorous health measures have been adopted and rural dispensaries and hospitals are springing up everywhere. If progress in this direction takes place as planned, the people in Maharashtra will have their health requirements adequately attend­ed to within a decade.

In 1942 the ‘Quit India’ movement brought Shri Chavan into prominence. His revolutionary spirit found a full expression in this movement and he became associated with militant national­ists. Though originally a Royist in his political ideology, he soon identified himself with the Congress organisation. In the Congress his repu­tation is that of a true Congress soldier, earnest and dutiful. He is one of the few leaders who like Prime Minister Nehru, sincerely believe in and work for a socialist society and have faith in the co-operative movement and Panchayat Raj. Planning for industrial and economic development is an article of faith with him and in the short time that he has been at the helm of affairs, at first in the Bilingual Bombay State and since May 1960 in the Maharashtra State, he has done all he could to implement the development plan in the State. He has made full use of the Central finan­cial allotments to the State.