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अभिनंदन ग्रंथ - (इंग्रजी लेख)-47

This investment in goodwill has paid rich dividends, and will continue to do so in the years to come. Today, political bitterness, which at one time had assumed extravagant dimensions, has almost completely vanished. This does not mean that there are, and will be, no problems. Prob­lems are bound to crop up when large masses of people with differing outlooks, different languages, and varying ways of life are to be integrated intoa harmonious whole. But one thing is certain, that the citizens of this great city—be they Mus­lims, Hindus or Greeks—think of themselves as Bombayites first and all else afterwards. There are few people living in Bombay who are not proud to indentify themselves with its unique personality.

Appreciation of loyalty always cements bonds of unbreakable friendship and understanding. And Mr. Chavan has had a big hand in instilling this sense of loyalty among the citizens of the State. Though essentially a politician Mr. Chavan is more humane, and inspires confidence by honouring commitments and extolling loyalty. The road to socialistic pattern in Maharashtra is difficult but not gloomy, the problems are numer­ous but not insurmountable, for Chavan is steady, and is capable of controlling the waves of chang­ing moods.

The Ramayana tells of Manthara, maid of Queen Kaikeyi, who poison­ed her queen's ear against Sri Rama. The different sections of the community in the State must guard against false rumours and doubts and suspicions that may be created by mischievous elements. An atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence must rule the land. Now that the concept of a united Maharashtra has been transformed into a geographical fact, there is no room for discord or distrust, and all sections of the population must settle down to work for the good and glory of their State.

— From : Guiding Principles of Maharashtra State