winds of change-part III-Domestic strategy-ch 25-9

This, we must admit, constitutes the inherent strength of India. Naturally it has helped us to gain greater self-confidence. At the same time, however, we must admit that the problem of economic development has been causing us a certain amount of anxiety. We have not been able to meet the rising expectations of the people. It is true that the problems become more complicated as the expectations of the people rise; but at the same time we must also not lose sight of the fact that we have not been able to achieve that pace of economic progress which was necessary and possible. It would not be proper to blame the Government or certain individuals for this slow progress. There were certain factors responsible for this. Along with our effort in attaining growth we were also trying to build up a new economic order. We have had to face international problems and actual aggression on our soil. Naturally when the country is trying to force the pace of progress in the face of these trying conditions, there are bound to be economic difficulties which would put a certain degree of strain on all of us. Let us accept it as a reality. But the fundamental question is whether we shall subordinate national unity and national security merely to escape from these strains and stresses.

We must remember that in the complex and harsh world of today, none is ready to fight others wars for the sake of friendship. The definition of friendship today does not go beyond helping you to prepare yourself. So ultimately we will have to be self-reliant. We have to move in this harsh world and face all the challenges with courage and conviction. We cannot leave these problems to the wisdom of one leader or even to the wisdom of a political party. All of us individually and collectively as citizens of this country will have to understand the problems and contribute our part towards their solution.

In the end I would once again like to repeat what I said before. Never think that defence preparedness is a periodical question related only to emergency situations. It has now come to be a problem we will have to live with every day. Appreciating this reality, we will have to devote our attention to devising ways and means of promoting national unity and achieving economic growth. Although India is the home of different religions and different languages, we must train ourselves to give the highest priority to the questions that concern the whole of the nation. If we face our problems with faith in our ability to overcome them, India could occupy a place of pride among the top-ranking nations of the world. This is my faith. We must consider our­selves fortunate that the task of realising this dream has fallen on us. This is a challenge to our ability. I pray that God may give us the necessary strength to meet these challenges.