winds of change-part III-Domestic strategy-ch 25



25. Inviolate Frontiers

DURING THE LAST two years or so a great change has taken place within our country. It has some meaning for the future also. In my opinion, the period of the next few years in the political life of the country would prove to be an anxious one. I am not using the word 'political life' in the limited sense of the term in relation to political questions or the politics of different political parties. I am using it in the wider sense to mean the totality of conditions obtaining in our country. Naturally, it would not be enough to leave the task of handling these developments to a few leaders. Every one of us will have to undertake a serious analysis of the situation. We will have to explain to the people the back­ground of different questions and problems that may arise during this period. I attach importance to educating the public about the historical perspective because in the ultimate analysis the people will have to take the responsibility of meeting these challenges. If they lose sight of the historical perspective, they will not be able to see the problems in their true light. I see among the people a certain degree of keenness to understand the defence situation as it obtains today and also to have an idea of the likely developments in future.

When the country was invaded by China, we considered it neces­sary to declare an emergency in the country and the emergency laws were made applicable. Today, the main debate centres around the problem as to whether it is necessary to have emergency laws now. If you do not want to have the emergency laws or if you remove them, I do not think that it is going to be a  terrible loss or a big handicap. This is basically a question for debate and decision. But at the same time, I would like to ask a question as to whether we consider ourselves free from the external threat from our hostile neighbours. To consider that there is no such danger either today or tomorrow or ever, would be to delude ourselves. At the same time, to exaggerate the danger would also be inappropriate. So the attitude in the days to come will be abduntant caution. In this regard one must have an idea of the situation developing in different countries as also on our borders, so that we come to definite conclusions about the factors which we should be cautious of.