Oral history transcript 26

Sharma : Jail was university for you?

Chavan :  Absolutely. I went to university later on. I experienced university life in jail in 1932 and part of 1933. I was in jail for about fifteen months; I got three months remission.

Sharma :  For good behaviour ?

Chavan :  That was a normal sort of thing  two and a half or three months remission they used to give.
But that was the period which was very valuable in my life. That period laid down the foundations of my emotional makeup, me political thinking, my general outlook towards life.

Sharma :  Were you kept in one jail only?

Chavan : I was in tow jails, for about a year in Yeravda camp jail and the remaining three months in Visapur jail.

Sharma :  Were you released from Visapur Jail ?

Chavan :  I was released from that jail.