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Oral history transcript 56

Sharma : This became a pace-setter.

Chavan : This became a pace-setter.

Sharma : And it affected other parts of Maharashtra also.

Chavan :  It did. And simultaneously similar cases were happening in other districts also, but Atmaram Patil's case became somewhat symbolic for the State.

Sharma : How would you compare the elections at that time and in Independent India?

Chavan : There is no question of comparison. Atmaram Patil had no money, excepting the money that he paid as deposit. Even I would say in the first election which I fought in 1946, before Independence, I did not spend more than a thousand rupees. My deposit money was two hundred and fifiy rupees. I spent about a hundred rupess. or two hundred rupees to meet contingencies while travelling during the election. I contributed rest of the money to the District Congress Committee. Later on election expenses became a problem, and now it has become a huge affair.

Sharma : At that time sacrifice was the real asset.

Chavan :  It was the real assest. It was independence movement versus imperialism. It was a demonstration of the will of the people for independence. that was the real type of movement, not a party contesting elections to get into power.