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Oral history transcript 34

Sharma : What was the purpose of the League or Radical Congressmen which he had started?

Chavan : The League of Radical Congress men was a group within the congress. They were part of the Congress. Though they professed ideas of communism, they were Congressmen at that time, just like the congress Socialist Party, which was there within the congress Party. The congress was working as a sort of national front. But when Roy left the Congress, he formed the Radical Democratic Party.

Sharma : His attitude towards the congress changed after he lost the Presidential election to the Ramgarh Congress against Maulana Azad. Now, do you  think that he left the congress in disgust of frustration or he became really conscious of the fact that nothing could be done by the congress?

Chavan : I think he left beause he was not able to convert the congress to his point of view. The congress leadership was quite powerful and its influence was strong. Finally, there were differences about their analysis of the war and the Indian situation and how it could be trackled.  I think it was because of that that he left the Congress. I did not go with him, as I did not want to leave the Congress.

Sharma : What was your reaction to Roy's acceptance of government donations for his trade union?

Chavan :  I did not like it. And whatever they did after war effort and their own effort – was not of my liking. I severely criticised them publicly about it that I had a feeling that they were working as some sort of government agency.