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Oral history transcript 31

But later on, during the Second world war period, I slipped out of his movement because his analysis about the war was something which was not acceptable to me. I had personal attachment to Roy's movement and I tried to digest it, but I couldn't accept it. His theory was that second world war was started by accident- it was an accidental war, and, therefore, the real war must be fought between communism and fascism, between the progressive communist forces and the fascist forces. So it was by sheer accident that England and France on one side, and Germany on the other, started this war. Therefore, he said that in this war we couldn't take sides and fight against the British. Ultimately. this war would convert into a people's war. This was his analysis But to my patriotic mind, it didn't appeal. I thought there was a revolutionary condition in India and world war was a situation for universal revolutionary movement. So this was the time when we must fight imperialism.

My mind, therefore, rejected Roy's nalysis and I parted company with my friends. But after that I was in mental agony for nearly six to nine moths. But there was no alternative, because the congress Party it self was not deciding as to what should be done. The Congress leadership was of the view that they should form a national government and work for dominion status. These arguments went on.

And that was the time when the Communists in my district and in my state started a movement. It was at that time that I wanted to join the Communist Party. I said This was the party rising to the occasion and giving a very good programme of revolutionary action to the people. so this was the period in which I was caught up in a serious mental conflict. But then I talked to my people in my district and they said that if I joined that party I would be isolated. So I restrained myself. Then soon Gandhiji started the Individual Satyagraha and there was some programme and I again had my usual activities in the Congress Party.