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महाराष्ट्रातील दुष्काळ -२०८


१.  Benande,     Malvin A : Race against Famine, Bombay, १९६८.३६१.५५ (५४) see ३३८. १९५१/Ben/K५०१४४.

२.  Dando, William A. :  The Geography of Famine, London, १९८०.३६१.५५ see ३३८.१९/Dan/K४३८५५

३.  Oxford Committee for Famine Relief :  Oxfam Story a brief account of the growth of the work it has been able to accomplish, Oxford, Pergamon Press, १९६४.३६१.५५/Oxf/२२९३६९

४.  Robson J.R.K. (ed.) : Famine: its causes, effects is management, (Food is Nutrition in History and Anthropology, Vol.  २), New York, Gordon Breach Science Publ. १९८१.३६१.५५/Rob/K४८६६१


५.  U.N.O. Office for Emergency Operations in Africa :  African famine : International media report, New York, १९८५.३६१.५५(६)/U.N./K७०६३०, K७०५७२


६.  U.N.O. Office of the Disaster Relief Co-ordinator, Drought & floods in the Peoples Republic of China, the multi-agency mission to the Hebei & Hubei Provinces, (७-१९ Jan. १९८२) Geneva, १९८२३६१.५५९५१० see ३६१.५२९५१/U.N./३४२५७३, ३४२५७४


७.  Fisher, H. H. : Famine in Soviet Russia, १९१९-१९२३; operations of the American Relief Administration., ३६१.५५(४७)Fis/१७६१/E