In the final analysis however, when the constitutional machinery has broken down, when the Constitutional Head is in an irrevocable confrontation with the elected Government, and when evens have reached a point of no return, our choice is simple and self-evident. We can do no more than to respond in full measure to the wishes of the people as incorporated in the Sikkim Assembly Resolution of the 10th April, 1975, duly and overwhelmingly approved by the Sikkimese people.
It is these aspirations of the people of Sikkim which are embodied in the Bill which I am submitting to the House for consideration. The people of Sikkim have resolved that :
“the institution of the Chogyal is hereby abolished and Sikkim shall henceforth be a constituent unit of India enjoying a democratic and fully responsible Government.”
These wishes of Sikkim are embodied in the Bill which is now before the House for consideration.
I need not go into the details of the bill because the article which is amended and which is now here in the form of clause 3, whereby we are adding article 371F after article 371 E is rather self-evident which, really speaking, makes provision for re-election of the Member of Lok Sabha and, for the interim period, the application of laws, adaptation of measures, etc. I think, we will discuss them in the course of the debate.
With these words, I commend the Bill for the acceptance of the House.